December 23, 2022


Washington Democrats Congratulate Rep. Larsen on Election as Ranking Member of Transportation and Infrastructure

Seattle, WA – Today, Washington State Democratic Party Chair gave the following statement congratulating Rep. Rick Larsen on his election as ranking member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

“Washington Democrats congratulate Rep. Rick Larsen on his election as ranking member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Rep. Larsen has been an outstanding leader on infrastructure during his tenure on the committee, including helping to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act which will bring over $3.7 billion in infrastructure investments to Washington State. Rep. Larsen’s election is a win for the second district, the state of Washington, and the American people.

Rep. Larsen’s election also solidifies Washington’s delegation as one of the most influential in Congress. He joins other Democrats in holding crucial leadership positions including Senator Murray who will chair Appropriations Committee and will serve as President Pro Tempore, Senator Cantwell who chairs the Commerce Committee, Rep. Adam Smith who is ranking member on the armed services committee, Rep. Pramila Jayapal who chairs the House Progressive Caucus and sits on the Democratic Policy and Steering Committee, Rep. Derek Kilmer who has chaired the New Democrat Coalition and the House Select Committee on Modernization, and Rep. Susan DelBene who was appointed Chair of the DCCC this week. This is a powerhouse delegation that delivers for Washington and the American people.”


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