August 12, 2024


White Supremacist Joe Kent Endorses Lobbyist Dave Reichert for Governor

August 12, 2024

Both Kent and Reichert support MAGA’s anti-abortion, anti-freedom agenda

Seattle, WA – Yesterday, MAGA Republican Joe Kent came out in strong support of “anti-abortion stalwart” and lobbyist Dave Reichert. Kent, who has ties to white supremacists, was once interviewed by a Nazi sympathizer and has compared abortion to slavery

This troubling endorsement shouldn’t come as a surprise. Not only has Reichert repeatedly been caught campaigning alongside some of Washington’s most extreme right-wing politicians, he and Kent share a long history of inserting themselves into women’s personal health care decisions. 

While Kent has said he would support a nationwide abortion ban without any exceptions, Reichert has already voted three times for national abortion bans that would criminalize doctors, including voting twice against amendments that would’ve added an exception for a mother’s health. During his gubernatorial campaign Reichert also held his first town hall in years with Firmly Planted Action, an extremist group that wants to “END ABORTION once and for all.” While there, Reichert told his supporters how they could “unravel” affordable abortion services – effectively pledging to use his power if elected governor to deny women access to reproductive health care. 

Kent and Reichert have also both come out in strong support of Donald Trump, with Reichert even telling his supporters he “love[s] Donald Trump’s policies” and bragging about the signed MAGA hat he keeps at home. MAGA’s Project 2025, a fascist playbook supported by Trump and written by staff from his past administration, aims to “ban abortion pills, increase surveillance and champion fetal personhood.” 

“Weird anti-abortion extremists like Dave Reichert, Joe Kent, and Donald Trump want to decide our futures for us and take us backwards,” said Shasti Conrad, chair of the WA State Democrats. “But rest assured this November voters will send these MAGA cronies and their wealthy donors packing – because here in Washington and across the country, Americans overwhelmingly believe everyone deserves the freedom to live one’s life without fear of government overreach, hate, or bigotry.” 

To learn more about Dave Reichert’s real track record, visit

The Washington State Democratic Party is committed to advancing progressive policy, empowering the grassroots, and ensuring Democratic victories up and down the ballot. Chair of the Washington Democrats, Shasti Conrad, is the first Indian-American woman to chair a major state party.



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