September 29, 2020


What to Expect at Tonight’s Presidential Debate

What to Expect at Tonight’s Presidential Debate

Biden to hold Trump accountable on COVID, health care, choice, and more

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | September 29, 2020  

SEATTLE — This evening, the first presidential debate of the 2020 general election will be an important opportunity for voters to tune in and see the candidates, Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, challenge each other on the major issues of the day. 

Democrats are looking forward to seeing Biden hold Trump accountable for his failures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and his administration’s efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Biden is expected to discuss the open Supreme Court seat, and the potential for a conservative Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act, or to overrule the Roe v. Wade decision and open the door for total state bans on abortion. 

Biden will outline his vision for how to build our economy back better as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to expand health care access so that all Americans can get the care they need. He’ll talk about the importance of listening to public health experts, doctors, and scientists in our pandemic response, rather than Fox News personalities and the CEO of MyPillow, and how a Biden Administration will rely on facts and data when making decisions from climate change to public safety, instead of the unstable whims of Donald Trump. 

“I’m excited to see Vice President Biden lay out his platform and contrast that with the failed record of Donald Trump,” said Tina Podlodowski, chair of the Washington State Democratic Party. “Trump has let down all Americans, and having both candidates challenge each other, live, gives us the best opportunity to contrast between Trump’s failures and Biden’s vision. While the Trump campaign seems happy to rely on spreading lies and conspiracy theories, and laying the groundwork to steal the election by throwing out legal ballots, the Biden campaign is working hard for every vote, and this debate is a big step towards defeating Donald Trump in November.”


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