Washington State Overwhelmingly Rejects Trump’s Failed Presidency
Governor Inslee’s strong and steady leadership through the pandemic surges Democratic turnout statewide
For Immediate Release | November 3, 2020
SEATTLE — Voters in the battleground states in the presidential election are learning what we’ve known in Washington state for a decade: when millions of people vote by mail, Election Night is really Election Week. While the results of the presidential election are far from certain due to the time needed to count every vote, tonight’s results from 3,293,623 Washingtonians makes clear that our state will not reward the greatest failure of a president to protect American lives in a century.
Voters in Washington have lived through the contrast of an incompetent Trump administration and science-based policies enacted by Governor Inslee, and no amount of conspiracy theorizing or disinformation from the White House can overcome that daily reality of missing friends, family members, and loved ones for the last 8 months.
“As Washingtonians are used to, we will need to make sure every ballot is counted before many close down-ballot elections are called. But early results show a resounding victory for Democrats who have put the safety and economic well-being of working people and seniors first throughout this pandemic,” said Tina Podlodowski, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party. “Regardless of how the presidential election results turn out after every vote is counted, Democrats in Washington state will continue to lead the country in developing progressive policies to improve the lives of every single Washingtonian.”