May 27, 2020




WA GOP Unmasked

Party of Trump Selfishly Skirts CDC Guidance


SEATTLE — President Trump won’t just refuse to wear a mask in public to model safe behavior, he is actively mocking those who do. When he’s not busy spreading false voting conspiracies or defying the wishes of a widower to stop spreading lies about his wife’s death, Trump’s leadership is failing us. 

This is not partisan, Trump’s own CDC has issued guidance on wearing face-covering/masks. As Yale Medicine wrote, “a mask is meant to protect others, not yourself.”  

Despite being set to have the lowest support in Washington state of any Presidential candidate in 108 years, Washington Republicans running for Governor are lining up, unmasked and undaunted, behind Trump’s chaotic, failed leadership. 

As they irresponsibly push herd immunity strategies that have failed in Sweden, Republicans owe Washingtonians an explanation for why they don’t respect their fellow Washingtonians enough to wear a mask.

“Republicans are now turning even the most basic public health precautions into a partisan political battle, risking Washingtonians’ lives in the process,” said Tina Podlodowski, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party. “Anyone who fails to lead by example and show their neighbors the common decency of wearing a mask isn’t fit to lead our state.”

Background: Each photo below was captured from the respective candidate’s public social media pages.

Tim Eyman

Joshua Freed

Loren Culp

Move Washington Forward

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