January 27, 2023


Message From the Chair

Hello Democrats,

Thank you so very much for all you do for our Party, day after day, year after year, and cycle after cycle. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with you and I cannot overstate how proud I am of all we have accomplished together.

As you know, this will be my final newsletter as Party Chair – and I wanted to share a just a glimpse of some of the work we’ve been able to do together over the last six years:

So many memories! Please accept my extreme gratitude for all the work you have done and will continue to do to elect Democrats up and down the ticket across Washington State. We’ve accomplished so much since 2017 and we owe that success to hard work from you. Thank you for helping us realize our vision of a more Democratic Washington:

  • We flipped two Congressional Districts (WA-08 and WA-03) from Red to Blue!
  • We built Democratic power in the legislature – growing a one-seat minority to a nine-seat majority in the state Senate and a two-seat majority to an eighteen-seat majority in the state House and building the most diverse legislature in WA history. 
  • We flipped the State Treasurer’s seat back to blue in 2020 and we elected a Democrat to the WA Secretary of State’s office for the first time since the 1960s in 2022! This marks the first time in WA history that every single state executive office is in Democratic control.
  • We protected our Democratic incumbents cycle after cycle – allowing them to boldly pass meaningful, progressive legislation at both the state and federal level! I can’t even begin to fit a laundry list of legislative achievements in this message, but I’m perhaps most proud of the work we’ve accomplished on voter access and protection; passing postage paid ballots, automatic voter registration, and the WA Voting Rights Act and more – making WA elections freer, fairer, and more accessible to everyone in our state.
  • We reaffirmed our commitment to organizing everywhere in Washington State – reaching countless millions of voters, holding thousands of organizing events, and massively increasing Democratic turnout statewide!

When I first ran for State Party Chair in 2017, I didn’t come for the title or to build a resume – I promised to work hard and make transformational change, born of over thirty years’ experience as an activist, elected official, organizational, and community leader. The unofficial job description is just two words: “Elect Democrats.” I believe I have delivered on that promise for these past six years – and it has been an honor to serve in this position.

I feel strongly that I have accomplished what I set out to do and it is now time to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders ready to light the fires of democracy, teamwork, and community around our state. I am so excited to see what’s to come for our Party, and just how much more we can accomplish for all Washingtonians in the future.

Many have asked what is in store for me next. Well, after years of service it’s time for a break. I’ll be taking the next seven months off to spend time with family and catch up on birthdays, reunions, and travel. If you have ideas say…oh…about October on things I should do next feel free to reach out! Please know I’m committed to ensuring a successful transition to our new Chair.

Once more, thank you so much for your commitment to our work. We could never have accomplished what we did without your investment of time, resources, and energy to the cause of growing Democratic power statewide. I am confident in the strong foundation we have built together and know that we have what it takes to help terrific Democrats win for years to come.


Countdown to Election Day!

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