
We believe:

  • The right of working people to unionize without harassment is a fundamental civil right;
    • Organized labor has played a historic role in our country to give workers a voice in their workplace, a measure of security with living wage jobs and safer working conditions,and dismantled institutional barriers that have restricted equal access to job opportunities and equal pay for equal work;
  • “The rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively to determine their pay, benefits and working conditions must be strengthened, protected and enforced, while actions to suppress, prevent or otherwise interfere with union organizing efforts must be condemned and penalized.  
  • America’s economy depends on jobs that provide a fair and living wage, fair benefits, and safe working conditions for ALL workers
  • Equal work should receive equal pay, and such that there are no minimum wage exemptions;
  • ALL workers should have the right to unionize, especially those historically excluded from labor protections, e.g., migrant and domestic workers, formerly incarcerated people, and any other underrepresented, misrepresented, or disadvantaged people; and that this right is protected at the Federal level.  As such, we believe union hiring, organizing, and affirmative action in apprenticeships and subsequent hiring processes should be protected; protections for whistle-blowers and workplace organizers should be enforced; as should reasonable accommodations in hiring.
  • all workers have the right to respect in the workplace and not be subjected to syntax games to categorize them outside employee protections. Employees should be provided a healthy and harassment free workplace, predictable scheduling, and guaranteed leave. And the institutions of government should endeavor to protect the interests and safety of laborers above the interests of capital.
  • In a livable minimum wage that is tied to the median market housing rate;
  • In a significant expansion of worker training and apprenticeship programs in partnership with labor unions, technical and community colleges, and K-12 schools, with dedicated programs for green industrial and construction job creation, training, and placement linked to public investments in clean energy infrastructure to build a new economy based on clean energy. This would also include a just transition for workers in industries impacted by societal change and efforts to reverse climate change, including access to guaranteed income, union public sector jobs, and dignified retirement with robust pensions;
  • We should support injured and ill workers, and strengthen workforce retraining programs for these workers.
  • In safe staffing legislation that protects essential workers, such as nurses who are working without breaks in order to provide the legal standards of care are necessary;
  • In a modern Works Progress Administration to renew public investment in education, technology, essential health care infrastructure; and transportation infrastructure and sustainability;
    •  Invest in reopening hospitals and clinics in rural and underserved areas;
    • Modernize public buildings such as schools, post offices, and libraries, especially in underserved areas, and co-locate affordable housing on these public lands;
    •  Prioritize funding for public research institutions;
    •  Create a federal jobs guarantee to ensure living wage jobs for all who want to work.
  • We support requirements to buy local, regional, US, union-made, products in all government contracts;
    • Legislate incentives to buy local goods and services;
    • Labor, environmental, and human rights standards of the US are required and binding in all such agreements;
    • Increase opportunities for small family- operated farms, US manufacturing, and small businesses in government contracting over large corporations by capping firm size in bidding through the use of anti-trust to break up large monopolies and create an agricultural sector that serves the nations health and security;
    •   Remove the exemption of agricultural workers from overtime pay requirements
  • In enacting protections for workers and union members participating in wildcat strikes;
  • The anti-union Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 should be repealed and replaced with legislation affirming worker’s rights;
  • Firefighters are exposed to carcinogenic substances in numerous facets of their work; with published and emerging science showing links between firefighting and many cancers. Since cancer can be difficult to pinpoint in origin, all firefighter cancers should be considered presumptive occupational disease, refutable by evidentiary standards;
  • A workforce should reflect local demographics;All non-compete clauses included in employment contracts, along with provisions for redundancies, should be narrowly tailored in both scope and duration.
  • In disincentivizing outsourcing or offshoring in all trade deals and government contracts, at every level – fair and/or direct trade, not free trade;
    • Labor, environmental, emissions, and human rights standards of the US or better are required and binding in all such agreements;A 32 hour work week should be considered standard full time employment.
  • No employer or educational institution may discriminate against an employee or student on the basis of a medical decision
  • The elimination of “at-will employment” as the default standard for a worker’s job and replacing it with a “for cause dismissal” with a “covenant of good faith and fair dealing” standard
  • The institutions of government should endeavor to protect the interest and safety laborers above the interests of capital.
  • The institutions of government should endeavor to protect the interest and safety laborers above the interests of capital.

Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry

Business, Financial Services, Gaming  & Trade 

Early Learning & K-12 Education

Economic & Housing Justice, Jobs and Tax Fairness

Environment, Energy & Technology


Health Care

Higher Education & Workforce Development 

Human Services

Law and Justice

Social Justice

The Criminal Justice System

The Federal Government


Tribal Relations and Sovereignty

Move Washington Forward

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